
The COMPANY created this website with the sole purpose of serving their customers. The website is simple and friendly to its use and designed to meet the specific needs of each user. To achieve your best service, it is important that our client, to understand that you must provide us with specific information on the handling of your order and which are preserved by us.
Personal data is being processed in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GPA 2016/679), any more specific national and European legislation for certain areas, of the current Greek personal data protection legislation, as well as for protection. Personal data and privacy in the field of electronic communications (Law 3471/2006, as applicable) and the decisions of the Personal Data Protection Authority (ASCPS). The company has adapted to the GDPR frame.

This Privacy Statement and the attached terms and conditions of use of this website describe the method of collecting data from the website, the use of these data by us and the terms and conditions of use of this website. This Personal Data Protection Statement refers solely to your personal data that you provide us during your orders on this site.

What is personal data?

Personal data is information that identifies you directly or indirectly. Indirectly means in combination with other information, such as your name, postal address, email address and phone number, or a unique device recognition number.


The information provided voluntarily by users of the reported website is used by, so that its users have direct and meaningful communication with the store, to provide them with answers to specific questions they ask, and finally serve and execute Their orders. The information collected by through the Website is intended to measure its traffic number, determine customer requirements for more products, and facilitate the company with the company. does not distribute to any other organization or affiliate that is not connected to the e -mail addresses, or any other information about its users and customers, except to direct partners in the order service process.

Gathering information designed its website so that its users can visit it without having to disclose their identity unless they wish. Visitors to our website are asked to provide us with their personal data only if they want to order a product (s), register on our site and/or email

Use of information. collects four types of information about users: (1) information that the user gives us when registering as a customer, (2) information that the user gives us to execute his order from, (3) Details that the user gives us in competitions that take place at times, (4) data that the user gives us for telephony and internet activations, (5) information that the user gives us when connecting through another platform ( IOS, Android, Facebook, Google) Applications. When filling in any order form on our site, you will be asked for your name, address, postal code of your area, your email address, your phone, credit card details, order payment method. You may also be asked to ask for more specific information, such as sending - delivery of an order, pricing details or details of the offer you have requested. makes use of the information you provide us during the electronic mission of the form, in order to contact you about (i) the delivery of the order to your space, (ii) to confirm and identify the customer to any necessary Case, (iii) for new or alternative products offered by, (IV) Special offers of, (v) TV or Internet activation, (vi) receipt of gifts after a competition. You can choose whether or not you want to receive such communications from by sending your request by e-mail to

Access to information. Each ordering requires the collection of personal information, for delivery or reservation of an order. Also, the use of a credit card, which requires a legal owner identifying documents for the first time and is only guaranteed in any case. Any supporting documents and documents certifying and indicating the client's identity remains strictly confidential and is controlled only by the responsible department of Your submission of your personal data means that you consent to this data being used by employees for the reasons mentioned above. requires its employees and conservationists of its website to provide its users with the level of security referred to in this Privacy Statement. Under no case, can share your personal information with others without your prior consent, unless required through the legal route. Please consider, under specific conditions permitted or required by law or on the basis of a judicial decision, the collection, use and disclosure of your personal data, which have been collected online without your prior consent (for example in case of judicial decision).

Use of personal data

We will use your personal data for the purposes as described above. We do not collect or process more or other types of personal data than we need to fulfill the corresponding purpose. We will only use personal data in accordance with this Privacy Policy, unless you have specifically provided your consent to another use of your personal data. If we intend to use your personal data we process with your consent, for the purposes of others that have been disclosed to this consent, we will inform you in advance and, in cases where the processing is done on the basis of your consent, we will use you, we will use you. Your personal data for a different purpose only with your permission.

Using customers for advertising purposes to continuously improve and enhance our services, we may send you marketing messages by email related to our business, which may be of interest to you. You can select the types of communications you want to receive at any time by updating your email preferences. You can also delete anytime. SMS shipping to mobile phone number you have stated on your order is done to inform you of the development of your order. You can choose whether or not to receive an advertising/promotional material via SMS through the account you have made on our site. - Consensus: We will not use your data for advertising purposes unless you have given your previous explicit and free consent. - However, for existing customers, we may use the email address we have received from you in the context of our existing customer relationship to provide you with marketing materials associated with similar products or services you have previously requested, used or or maybe interest. You can, however, oppose this use at the time of the collection and every time a message is sent. In order to stop receiving emails for marketing purposes, follow the instructions within the email you receive.

Legal obligations and legal defense may need to use and maintain personal data for legal reasons and reasons for compliance, such as prevention, detection, or investigating a crime, prevention of loss, fraud or any other abuse of our services and IT systems. We may also use your personal data for internal and external control requirements, intelligence security purposes, or to protect or exercise our rights, privacy, security, our property or other persons.

Using the original SmartFits page ( This privacy policy also applies to the use of our website ("Website"), with the following confidential mechanisms and features.

Cookies is able to use cookies as part of the facilitation and operation of services through its website. Cookies are small files, which are stored and stored on the user's computer, allowing websites such as to operate seamlessly and without technical abnormalities, to collect multiple user choices, to recognize frequent users , to facilitate access to it, and to collect data to improve the content of the website. Cookies do not cause damage to the computers of users but also in the files kept in them. We use cookies to provide you with information and handle orders and allow us to present you advertising & training content on your interests and needs. Keep in mind that cookies are absolutely necessary for the website to function properly and seamlessly.

Cookies are divided into the following categories:
- Necessary cookies. They allow the performed basic functions of the site, such as adding products to the basket, storing products to the wishlist, online payment. Without these necessary cookies, the smartfits function is immediately affected, your personal navigation experience is limited as well as basic e-commerce functions.
- Functional cookies. These cookies remember your preferences when browsing our website so that we can suggest the right products based on your needs by helping you find it much easier to find what you are looking for.
- Performance cookies. Performance cookies collect information on how visitors use our site. They allow us to see what pages they visit most often, they tell us if they have a problem with navigation, etc. These cookies do not collect information that identifies the visitor as the information is centralized and therefore anonymous. They are used only to improve the way operates
- Advertising cookies. These cookies are used to provide ads related to you and your interests. They are also used to send advertising or bids that most respond to your needs thus limiting unwanted and non -essential advertising messages. They also help us to measure the effectiveness of our advertising campaigns.
- Cookies Analytics. It is a subset of functionality cookies and enables us to evaluate the effectiveness of the various functions of our website, thereby constantly improving the experience we offer.

Third -party suppliers, including Google, may display company ads on web sites, use cookies to update, optimize and display ads based on a previous visit to the website can also use cookies from your previous visit to its website for repeat marketing.
You can choose to exceed such a use of cookies by Google by clicking here. You can also adjust your browser (Chrome, Firefox Edge etc), inform you each time before taking a cookie and decide to take it or reject it. In this case, keep in mind that you may not be able to use all its capabilities. may use Google Analytics functions for viewing ads (eg, repeat marketing, Google Display Network References, etc.). Using the Advertising, visitors can be excluded from Google Analytics for viewing ads and customize Google Showing Network ads. Here are the available available Exception Options of Google Analytics for the web. complies with Advertising Policy based of Google AdWords and restrictions for sensitive categories and: and third -party suppliers, including Google, use a cookie (such as Google Analytics cookie) to update, optimize and promote ads, according to previous visits of some users to its website, to execute reports related to In which ads, other advertising services, interactions with these ads and advertising services related to visits to may use data from Google's interest -based advertising or third -party data (such as age, gender and interests) with Google Analytics.
We reserve the right to change this cookies policy at any time. Any changes to this Cookies Policy will apply once the revised Cookies policy is available on our site.
Third -party advertisers and other businesses we work with may use their own cookies to collect information about your activities on our website. We do not control these cookies.

Business transfers

In relation to any reorganization, restructuring, merger or sale or other transfer of assets (jointly "transfer of business"), we will transfer data, including personal data, to a reasonable scale and as necessary for business transfer, and provided that The recipient agrees to respect your personal data in a manner that is in line with the current data protection laws. We will continue to ensure the confidentiality of any personal data and inform the subjects affected before personal data becomes the subject of a different privacy policy.

Child's personal data processing

The Company will not collect or process personal data of children under 16 unless parental consensus has been given, in accordance with applicable local law. If we realize that a child's personal data were accidentally collected, we will delete these data without unjustified delay.

Edit sensitive data

In some cases, we may process specific categories of personal data about you ("sensitive data"). Sensitive data defines personal data that reveal racial or national origin, political thoughts, religious or philosophical beliefs, participation in trade unions, genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of identifying a natural person, health or sexual life or sexual life . For example, we may process sensitive data that you have made public. We may also process sensitive data, where appropriate, to support, exercise or defend legal claims. We may also process your sensitive data if you have freely provided your previous explicit and separate consent, in a specific context for a specific purpose.

Correction, modify or delete information allows its users to correct, change, complete, or delete data and information provided on If you choose to delete an information, will act to delete this information from its files immediately. For the protection and safety of the user, will try to make sure that the person who makes the changes is actually the same person as the user. To access, change or delete your personal data, to report problems with the operation of the Website or to make any query please contact via or by e-mail to electronic address Changing or correcting your personal data can also be done through the registration page. Please keep in mind that we will do what is possible to protect your personal data, but protecting your password on our site is also up to you.

Your legal rights

As a data subject you have specific legal rights relating to the personal data we collect from you. The company will respect your rights and sufficiently deal with your concerns.
The following list contains information on your legal rights arising from applicable data protection laws:
The right to withdraw the consent: where the processing of personal data is done on the basis of your consent you can withdraw this consent at any time.
o Right of Correction: You can ask us to correct the personal data that concerns you. We make reasonable efforts to maintain your personal data in our possession or control and are used on a continuous basis, accurate, complete, current and relative, based on the latest information we have at our disposal. You also have the ability to check and correct your personal data by entering the personal account at
o Right of restriction: You can ask us to limit the processing of your personal data if
- Doubt the accuracy of your personal data for the period that we will need to verify accuracy, - processing is illegal and demanding the processing restriction instead of deleting your personal data, - we no longer need your personal data, but you You need to support, exercise or defend legal claims, or - you have objection to the processing for the period we verify whether our legitimate interests are prevalent in your own.
o Right of access: You can ask us for information about personal data we maintain about you, including information about the categories of personal data we have in possession or control, for what purpose they are used, where they were collected, if not from Immediately, and to whom have been notified, as appropriate. You can receive from us free of charge a copy of the personal data we keep for you. We reserve the right to charge a reasonable remuneration for any further copy you may ask us.
o Portability Right: Upon your request, we will transfer your data to another controller where this is technically feasible, provided that the processing is based on your consent or necessary to execute a contract. Instead of receiving a copy of your personal data, you may ask us to transfer the data to another controller you will indicate to us directly.
o Right of deletion: You can ask us to delete your personal data, where - personal data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which they have been collected or processed - you have the right to obey further processing your personal data and Exercise this right - processing is based on your consent, withdraw your consent and there is no other legal basis for processing - your personal data has been processed illegally unless the processing is necessary - to comply with a legal obligation, which requires processing by us - in particular for the legal obligations of a duty - to support, exercise or defend legal claims.
o Right of opposition: You can oppose - at any time - on the processing of your personal data because of your particular situation, provided that processing is not based on your own consent but on our legitimate interest or in the legal interest of third parties. In this case, we will no longer process your personal data, unless we can prove imperative legal reasons and a superior interest in processing or supporting, exercising or defending legal claims. If you are opposed to processing, please clarify whether you wish to delete your personal data or limit processing from us.
o Right to submit a complaint: In the event of a suspected infringement of valid privacy law, you may file a complaint with the Supervisory Data Protection Authority in the country you live in or in which the infringement was presented.
Please note:
o Time: We will try to satisfy your request within 30 days. However, the deadline may be extended for specific reasons relating to the specific legal right or the complexity of your request.
o Restriction of access: In some cases we may not be able to provide access to all or some of your personal data under legislation. If we deny it your request for access, we will inform you of the reason for this denial.
o Non -recognition: In some cases, we may not be able to look for your personal data because of the identifiers you provide in your application. Two examples of personal data that we cannot search when you provide your name and email address are: - Data collected through your browser cookies, - data collected from social networking networks if you have published your comment under a nickname that It is not known to us.
In such cases where we cannot identify you as a data subject, we are not able to comply with your request to execute your legal rights, as described in this article, unless you provide additional information that allows you to identify.
o ASSOCIATION of your legal rights: In order to exercise your legal rights, please contact in writing by email. You can also contact our data protection officer at

Maintain your personal data

In general, we will delete the personal data we collect from you if it is no longer necessary to achieve the goals for which they were initially collected. However, we may be asked to store your personal data for a longer period due to legislative provisions.
In addition, we will not delete all your personal data if you have asked us not to contact you in the future. To this end, the Company maintains records that contain information about people who do not wish to communicate with them in the future (eg through group email messages). We categorize your requests as consent for storing your personal data for the purpose of keeping this file unless you give us different instructions.
Please ask questions about the issue of data protection and any applications for the exercise of your legal rights to the data controller at

Periodic changes

Constantly expands, informs and improves its website, and its products and services, will also renew this policy. We recommend that you read this process at regular intervals in order to be informed of any changes to the content of this Privacy Policy. This policy will be modified from time to time without prior notice to users.

Acceptance of their privacy processes applied by

If you use this website you accept and consent to this Privacy Statement as well as the terms and conditions of use of the website announced through it.

Skroutz Services Usage Data

Our company, in order to be able to evaluate and improve the quality of the services it provides to the consumer, uses the Skroutz Analytics, which operates with cookies. Through this service, if you have previously given your relevant consent through, they are safely communicated by us to Skroutz. The data obtained from our company through this service are covered by Privacy Policy as well as the cookies policy of, at the end of which You can also recall any consent.